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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Advil is part of the buy 10 get $5 off your order promo for this week. The price after discount is $2.00. There were $2 q on 7/13/2008. Stock up on free advil.

Food Lion
FLIP's for 7/30 - 8/5
$1 off FL Peanut Butter
$1 off Skippy Peanut Butter
$1 off 3 FL canned tomato products
$1 off 2 Hunt's tomato products
$1 off Quaker Oatmeal (any instant or cooked)
$1 off Jerky Treats for dogs 5 oz
$1 off FL Ginger Snap cookies

Thanks to HCW for this heads up on an upcoming Catalina Promotion.
$$$ wyb Kraft Cheese see below:
Buy select Kraft Cheese 6 oz or larger between 8/1 - 8/24
buy 3 get $1
buy 4 get $2
Buy 5 or more get a $3 coupon OYNO
Must be purchased in one order
Kraft cheese - chunks, shreds, crumbles, cracker cuts
Cheez WhizVelveeta
Live Active Cheese
Cracker Barrel Cheese
Philly Cream Cheese
Philly Cracker spreads
Kraft Singles and 2% Milk Singles
Singles Select
Deli Thin
Grate it Fresh Parmeasan
South Beach Diet string cheese
Twist Ums & String Ums
Easy CheeseTo Go Triscuits and Ritz

AirWick Mini are on sale for $5
This link has reset http://print.coupons.com/couponweb/Offers.aspx?pid=13306&zid=iq37&nid=10 so you can get the mini for $1.00

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