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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

All You Magazine Giveaway and Subscription Offer

One of my readers, Lindy, emailed me about the great deal that WomanlyExcellence is offering for All You Magazine. This comes at a great time because the in store price for All You has recently gone from $1.77 per issue to $2.27 per issue. Check out the deal and while there take a look around her blog.
She currently has a giveaway for a free two year subscription to All You Magazine. All you have to do is leave a comment about what you like about the magazine. Enter the giveaway here.
Thanks, Lindy, for telling me about this great deal.!!!


Marli said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and posting this! You are awesome! :)

ordinarymomss said...

This is a great magazine and I recommend getting it. I've had a subscription for 2 years now.

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