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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fill The Basket

I am posting this in conjunction with the Fill The Basket Project.

One of the great things about couponing is that I am able to get items for free or nearly free. This enables me to be able to donate food, cleaning supplies, HBA to those in need. I work at a Department of Social Services and we often get requests to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Yesterday, our agency received a request from a Social Worker at a local school here in Greenville NC. Here is a copy of the letter we received:

"Anything you can do to help with these two girls who have serious dental issues and are not able to eat regular food in the school cafeteria. The teachers have been purchasing puddings, jello, and such items out of their own pockets because they hated to see the girls hungry. The girls are in first and third grades. We are in the process of trying to get them dental treatment; probably almost all of their teeth may have to be pulled so eating may be problematic for a while. They are on Free lunch but are unable to eat most of it due to their dental conditions. Both girls are losing weight due to this issue."

My unit is trying to collect foods that these children can eat. I am appealing to my coupon buddies to help in this matter ( if you feel led). If you are able to get soft foods free or nearly free that you are willing to donate to this cause, I would greatly appreciate it. You can leave a comment on this post and I will get in contact with you.

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