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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Guest Post by Erin at Coupon Cravings

I am an avid follower of Erin at Coupon Cravings. She is on the blogroll for All You Magazines Daily Savings AND she is also one of Walmarts Eleven Moms

I saw this great post on her site and had to share it with you. After reading, check out her site for even more great tips.

4 Ways to Use Coupons To Get Free Groceries:

"Want free groceries? Who doesn’t! I’ve put together four ways to use coupons to get free groceries.

1) Use Buy-One-Get-One-Free Coupons: One great way to get free groceries & household items is to use a buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO) coupon when a grocery item is on sale buy-one-get-one-free to get two for free. I've done this many times to get free shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste and more.

2) Use Two Coupons on Buy-One-Get-One-Free Sales: When you have high value coupons you can often get products for free or nearly free this way. A couple of months ago, Pert Plus was on sale at CVS buy-one-get-one-free (two for $3.69). I had two $2-off coupons, which more than paid for both bottles of shampoo.

3) Stack Store & Manufacturer's Coupons: Both Target and CVS have store-specific coupons that can be paired with manufacturer's coupons for extra savings. I recently got 4 boxes of Pop Tarts for free by combining Target web coupons and manufacturer’s coupons.

4) Hit Double & Triple Coupon Days at Your Grocery Store: Harris Teeter triples grocery coupons up to $.99 face value three or four times a year. Many other grocery stores do the same. I recently got over $30 worth of groceries at HT, including Chex cereal, Cascade dishwashing detergent and 4 bottles of Windex for only $2.So what do you think? Do you have any more tips to get free or very cheap groceries with coupons?"

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