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Monday, June 23, 2008

RedBox Movie Rentals

Since Charlie was down in Aurora for a few days visiting with his family, I decided Friday nite that I would do something I have not done in a long while. I rented a chick flick.....I rented PS, I Love You. It was not as good as I had hoped, but it was okay....and just the opportunity to have access to the remote control was so awesome....
Because I am trying to be frugal, I decided to hit Harris Teeter downtown as it was on my way home. I rented the video using a code that I got from Inside RedBox. I also signed up on the RedBox site to receive text message codes for free movie rentals.
Every Monday and Wednesday they have codes for free movies and then they randomly text or email members with codes. I just received an text with the Monday freebie code: 44KBV9. So if you are in the mood for a movie...a free movie, this code is good until midnight to nite. Now, you just have to get some free popcorn and you will be set.

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