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Friday, July 4, 2008

CVS Deals

Thanks to I heart CVS for the following list of items that are free or nearly free with the CVS $2 CVS brand skin care coupon that expires 8/31/2008:

Free or Cheap after using $2 off CVS Skincare Q
bumping this back to the front page... added the cvs vaseline! if you found anything else, please mention in the comments! $2 off CVS skincare coupon.
CVS Petroleum Jelly 3.75 OZ $1.99

CVS Beauty Bar soap 2 packs were $1.99 and in the following "flavors" (they seem to be a generic Dove soap.)Exfoliating, White, Cool Moisturizing, Sensitive Skin
CVS Emerald Mist Deodorant Soap 3 Pak in Aloe Vera or Hydrating Burst
CVS Aloe Cool & Fresh Light Moisture Lotion 3.3 oz $1.49
EOB loofah bath sponge $1.99
CVS Advanced Healing Fragrance Free Lotion 97 ML $1.49
CVS Mild Hypoallergenic Baby Oil 4 oz $1.49
CVS Total Moisture Dry Skin Lotion 3.3 oz $1.49
Many types of CVS hand sanitizers and liquid hand soaps are priced $1.19-$1.99
CVS Kid's Body Wash $2.99
CVS Sunblock lotion SPF 30 2 oz- $2.19
CVS Medicated Apricot Scrub $2.99
CVS Hydrating Body Wash w/ essential oils 12 oz $2.99
CVS Moisturizing Body Wash 12 oz $2.99 in the following flavors...-Ocean Breeze- Cucumber Melon- Milk & Honey- Lavender and Camomille-Pure Silk
Here is a link to the July Extra Care Book:
This is a listing of free or nearly free monthly deals
CVS Panty Liners 22 ct .99 receive .99 ECB Limit 2
Essence of Beauty Hand Soap $4.99 Buy 3 recieve $5 ECB (use the $2 CVS skincare q) final cost after q and ECB 3/$3.97 Limit 5
Emerald Mist Body Wash $3.99 receive $1 ECB (use the $2 CVS skincare q) final cost after q and ECB .99 Limit 5
CVS Cleansing Towelettes $2.99 receive $1 ECB (use the $2 CVS skincare q) final cost after q and ECB FREE Limit 5
Stridex Products (Sensitive w/ Aloe or Maximum Pads) $3.99 receive $1.50 use $1/1 q from 6/1 final cost after q and ECB $1.49 Limit 4
Sure deoderant buy (2) $2.79 each recieve $3 use $1/1 from 5/11 or 6/29 final cost after q and ECB .58 for 2 (be sure to save receipt and mail off the Free Sure rebate form from 6/29) Limit 3
Bic Soliel Razor & Cartridge $6.99 each receive $5 ECB use the $4 q from 6/22. final cost after q's and ECB .98 for both. Limit 4
CVS brand 5 ct tampons $1.49 receive $1.49 ECB Limit 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girl!

hope you have recovered from the weekend! Question...of course, can you use the skin care coupon more than once and where do you get it? do you have to do multiple transactions, like one per coupon??? if you could email me and enlighten me when you get a chance, that would be great:) thanks! Lora

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