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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kroger- Pampers Wipe Deal

Pampers Wipes are included in this weeks Kroger P&G Deal. Why didn't they just put it in the ad!!! They are priced at $2.59 PLUS there is a $.50 in the 7/6 P&G Insert. When you buy 3 boxes of wipes, you end up paying $.59 for each! Awesome deal!!! (via Mommy Snacks)


Laci Strickland said...

I need help with this one. lol. So I just need to buy 3 containers of wipes and should I give them 3 of the .50 off coupons?I'll check back on here soon to see how to do it..

Clippergirl56 said...

Yes, Laci give them 3 .50 pampers wipes coupons. You can only do one per transaction this time. So if you have the coupons, you may want to do several shops.

Clipper Meter


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