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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Planters Deals/Links

$3 Off Planters Nuts + Catalina Coupons Earns You Money!!!
Remember that great $3 off Planters Peanuts WYB 3 Kraft, Nabisco, or Oscar Mayer products coupon I told you about last week? Well, the deal just got a whole lot sweeter!First, you can maximize your spending with this coupon by purchasing some very inexpensive Kraft products, such as Jell-O or Kool-Aid packets.Second, Catalina coupons for $4, $5, or $6.50 off your next order are printing out at many stores near you. So far this has been confirmed at Meijer, Giant Eagle, Kroger, Winn-Dixie, and Acme. It has also been confirmed at Shaw's, and Stop N' Shop which are all Albertsons subsidiaries, so there's a good possibility that it may work at other subsidiaries. If you've confirmed this at other stores, please let me know and I'll add it to the list!Here's the breakdown on the Catalina. Buy any Planters Nut products (excluding Sunflower Seeds, Baking nuts, and Trail Mix) between 6/20 and 7/13. Buy:
3 products, get $4
4 products, get $5
5 or more products, get $6.50
Kraft has released a number of new links to print these great $3 off coupons. Some of them only allow you to print one, but don't forget to hit your back button and try to print another with each. I've been able to print a total of 11 so far.
Kraft Foods
Coupons.com (right side bar)
Bricks #1
Bricks #2
Bricks #3
Bricks #4
Bricks #5
Bricks #6
Lots of stores are having great sales that you can couple this deal with. For example, Meijer has the Planters 16-oz. glass jars for 3/$6 right now. I went yesterday did 3 of the following transactions.9 Kool-Aid packets at $0.20 ea.3 Planters 16-oz. Honey Roasted Peanuts at 3/$6USED (3) $3/1 Planters couponsOOP was $1.80 (no overage, coupons were adjusted down)All together I got 27 packs of Kool-Aid and 9 jars of Planters nuts for a total of $5.40 OOP and received $12 in Catalinas to use on a future purchase. I didn't try to roll the Catalinas because many times a new one will not generate when you use one, so YMMV if you want to try that. I'm okay with that, though, because I'm planning to start my Christmas shopping soon. I'll just use my $12 towards a deal for that!Thanks to The "Cent"sible Sawyer, Thrifty Florida Mama, Economic Endeavors, Moms Need to Know, and the SlickDeals forum for their help in compiling this deal!!!

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