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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Upcoming Walgreen's Highlights

Here are ad scans of the next two weeks Walgreens Ads. Back To School savings start next week. Highlights for July 13 - 19:
In ad coupon for:
Papermate pens .39
Sharpie Markers 2/$1
3 pocket folders w/prongs 8/$1
Mini Highlighters .19
Filler paper .19
There will be a RR offer on Sunsilk Shampoos, Conditioners and Styling ads.
Buy 2 get $2, buy 3 get $3, buy 4 get $4 and buy 5 get $6.
There were $1/1 q on the shampoo and conditioners on 5/18 that will expire on 7/13. Final cost after rebate will be .79
There were $1.50 q on the styling products on 5/18 that will expire on 7/13. Final cost .29 ea

July 13 - 19 http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfntsvtn_162drh5t5hk

July 20 - 26http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfntsvtn_180hc7zfph5
Walgreens diapers will be on sale again for $5.99. Remember to use the $2 Pharmacy coupon and $2.50 Easy Saver Coupon. You will receive $5.00 RR when you purchase three packs in on transaction
More back to school items:
Erasers .19
3 Subject notebooks .99
Rulers .19
No. 2 pencils .19 pk
Brite Liner Highlighters .39
Posterboard .10
3 pocket folders 5c
papermate pens 5c pk
mini composition books 5c
highlighters 5c

Neutra Air FreshMatic Starter kits are 9.99 and there is an Easy Saver coupon for $3 off. Use with the BOGO Manufacturers Q from 6/1. Make sure to give them the BOGO Man q first, then the Easy Saver Q. Here's why:
- 9.99
= 9.99
= 3.99 for two.
If you give the Easy Saver Q first here is what the computer will do.
6.99 for two.
Isn't it strange how the presentation of coupons can change you final OOP???

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