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Sunday, November 30, 2008

KMart Super Doubles Recap

Well, I have to say my very first KMart Super Doubles was not a very good experience. First, there were only two lines open in the WHOLE store and only one line accepted coupons. Next, I walk up to the cashier and explain that have 49 items and 49 coupons. That I have read the policy and am using coupons according to policy. I had 4 identical items and the cashier quickly tells me that only one coupon will double. I show her the ad....she says wait a minute....goes to the service desk to talk with a manager. Then she comes back to tell me that the coupons say one per purchase....so I can only use one of each coupon....hmmmm....haven't I heard this before in every store that I been into. I explain the difference between a purchase and a transaction. I am told that policy is they must scan the item then the accompanying coupons because so many people are trying to get over on the system. I explained that if I present a coupon for something I have not purchased the coupon will beep and will not scan. 35-40 minutes later my transaction has been rung up. I have tried to keep up with the coupons to make sure they have all been scanned, but realized that some were not scanned. I am told I must go to the service desk to get it straightened out.
I spend over an hour at the customer service desk talking with 3...count them 3 different employees...who obviously do not know how to read the register receipt...one of which was the only supervisor/manager available. I argue my point over and over and get a variety of reasons why the coupons did not scan. Eventually I get someone to pull out the coupons and compare the bar codes on the receipt and low and behold....I, the customer, am correct and coupons had not been scanned by the cashier.
They simply figured up what was owed, hand me a receipt and my refund and sent me on my way without an apology, have a nice day or anything. I was seeing red when I left the store. I feel that a call to Corporate is in order...even though I am sure it will do no good, but it will make me feel better.
Here is a rundown of my savings
8 boxes of Kelloggs cereal @ $2.50 per box (sale price).
4 bottles of Theraflu @5.99 each
1 50 ct box of Excederin Back and Body @$6.79
4 12 ct boxes of Breath Right Strips @$5.49
4 Reynolds Wrap 75 sq ft size on sale for $2.99 each
2 Pledge Wipes on sale for $2.50 each
2 Pledge Wipes on sale for $3.50 each ( don't know what the difference was, but wasn't going to argue it)
4 DeMet Turtles 7 oz size @$4.29
4 Good Life Dog Food 4 lb bag @$5.99
4Good Life dog Treats @$3.99
4 Pedigree Dog Treats @ $3.29
4 Febreze Air Effects @$2.99
Total $166.60
Final OOP $70.81
Savings $83.79

Not bad considering most of the stuff are things I needed like dog food and treats that would not be free.
Hope to make one more trip before the week is out.
How did you do at KMart?

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