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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Greenville Kroger-New Coupon Policy Update!

I have not stepped foot into Kroger since my bad experience two weeks ago and based on this comment from my friend, Kim, I probably won't anytime soon.

"...We went in Saturday evening and they have signs up everywhere saying limit "1 coupon per type of item" (or something to that effect. I only had 3 or 4 coupons to double and the rest were $1 or more. He scanned the first .50 and then manually put in to not double the others. I asked and he said it was the new policy and pointed to the sign. OK--then the manager came over and said you can only double one--the rest are at face value. I then asked as per the sign I could not use my multiple $1 off coupons and she said I could. I am confused and I think they are too. BUT there are signs EVERYWHERE now!"

Just my opinion, but Kroger's prices are just too high without being able to use double coupons. I am sure many other frugal shoppers will bypass Kroger now because there are better deals elsewhere. I think the store manager, Ken, will find that he has made a big mistake. It couldn't hurt to contact Corporate to express your dissatisfaction. When I received my response from Kroger, they were forwarding my comment to Ken. I have received a message from him, but have not had a chance to get back with him.

Let me know what you think!!


jrmndfairbanks said...

I think this is ridiculous! We need to do something about this. I say we start a campaign!

MomIsCrazy said...

Here is what I just sent to Kroger thru their Contact Us portion of the website. We will see what happens. I am also planning on going into the store today to do the P&G deal and have multiples to do in one transaction. I am going to try using the self checkout and if they stop me I will speak to the store manager in person before leaving. :)

I am very very upset by the new Coupon *policy* in the Greenville NC store. My understanding is they are now limiting the *double* coupons to one per like item per day? I want to have the following information passed on to whoever made up this new policy.

I NEVER shopped at Kroger before I began couponing last year. The prices are too high normally compared to Harris Teeter, Lowes and Food Lion which are also local stores. If this new policy stays in effect then I will be forced to no longer shop there again. Recently I purchased three 4 packs of Cottonelle using coupons. The total *loss* to your store would have been 1.50 when doubled as I know that the face value amount of 1.50 is reimbursed to Kroger by the manufacturer. I then purchased an additional 55.00 worth of product not using ANY coupons. So what the new policy is telling me, is that it is worth it to lose 55.00 in business (and that was a quick trip) over 1.50 in coupons?????
I very much want the store manager to know that I will no longer shop there if this policy stays in effect. I also think Kroger should stop advertising unlimited doubling of coupons up to .50 on their ads if this is no longer the case. I call that false advertising.

Anonymous said...

i attempted to use four one dollar manufacturer's coupons on the purchase of four duplicate items which had been placed on manager's special at kroger for 1.29 and was refused. i was told it was up to the store manager. there was no kroger store policy. atlanta

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