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Friday, December 5, 2008

KMart Super Doubles Pics from Reader, Susan

One of my readers, Susan, sent me a picture of her KMart Super Doubles haul from Tuesday. I just had to included her description of her trip.....and could not resist posting pics of her dog and cat 'cause I am a true animal lover. Right, Kim?
My trip today- OK!

I waited until today because I was out of town all weekend and spent yesterday getting settled back in. My DS was relatively well behaved. I split into two transactions because I have rebates for the Theraflu. During the first transaction, it didn't even scan or double a coupon for the Dove Shampoo. But when we were doing the second transaction, the cash register started wigging out, they took some money off at the end to make up the difference and ended up undercharging my by $5. So it all seemed to balance out. The only thing I did not get that I REALLY wanted was the Tylenol Rapid Release. I spent about one minute staring at the empty space on the shelf, willing them to magically appear. Then I went and picked up some other stuff and came back, hoping maybe they stocked the shelf in the five minutes I had been away. No such luck. Some of the stuff they didn't carry, since mine is as regular Kmart, not a Super. I couldn't find the small bags of Hefty One Zip or Tic Tac chill, but I can live without them.Several people came up behind me and I said "I am doing super doubles and they take a while. You may want to get in another line.". Most people moved away, but one woman huffed, rolled her eyes and set her stuff on the lane. My second transaction wasn't going well, the woman started stomping and huffing. Finally she yelled, "This is rediculus!", picked up her stuff and went to another lane. (Susan, we can all relate to this, this person obviously does not feel the need to save money!) By the way, you did an awesome job.

Now that Susan has shared, it's your turn.


S Club Mama said...

thanks for stopping by yesterday! I appreciate all the kind comments.

I haven't been to Kmart in a long time.

Anonymous said...

I'm famous! I'm famous!

Kim said...

Good Job Susan!! This must run in the family?? Our cats are very savvy shoppers as well.

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