Between now and January 15, 2009 when you purchase 12 inch TombStone Pizza's, they will help pay your utility bill.
Buy (7) 12 in Tombstone Pizzas and recieve a credit of $5
Buy (12) 12 in Tombstone Pizzas and receive a credit of $10
Buy (17) 12 in Tombstones Pizzas and receive a credit of $15
You have to list the utility company and account number on the rebate form and it is suggested that you mail a copy of the bill to insure proper credit.
Those of you that live near a Publix are in luck. Tombstone pizzas are BOGO through Wednesday. Use the $1/2 Tombstone printables, and you can stock your freezer for the summer and earn a little toward your utilities as well!
Credit: Frugal Coupon Frenzy
1 comment:
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Cool offer but did you mean January 2010 instead of 09? I haven't seen any of the rebate forms around here but would love to do this offer if it is still valid :) Thanks ClipperGirl!
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