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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Counterfeit Coupon Alert

1. made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; not genuine; forged: counterfeit dollar bills. 2. an imitation intended to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; forgery.
I love free stuff just as much as the next person. . . . however, I do not understand why there are individuals that are willing to make counterfeit coupons to get things free. It is easy enough to get free stuff legally. I also do not understand why these indivduals are willing to sell counterfeit coupons to others. I have just read on Moms Need To Know about more counterfeit coupons. I wanted to make you aware of these so that you will not be caught off guard by buying one of these coupons on ebay or some other site:
The newest coupons discovered are:

To see the complete list of known counterfeit coupons in circulation, click here. It seems these coupons will appear for awhile, then disappear. . . . only to reapper with a new expiration date.
Thanks, Mindy and Mercedes

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