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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jacquie Lawson ECard One Day Trial

I absolutely LOVE Jacquie Lawson e-cards. Most of her cards are animated. While looking for Father's Day freebies, I learned that you can get a one day trial of her cards and send as many cards as you like. Actually her membership fee of $12 annually or $18 for 2 years is not a bad price considering the quality.
Here's a little bit about Jacquie:
Jacquie Lawson is an English artist who lives in the picturesque village of Lurgashall in Southern England. Together with a small team of family and friends she has developed a unique collection of animated e-cards, which show a degree of artistry and attention to detail rarely seen in the medium of e-cards. Even the music is composed and arranged specially for each card!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you like beautiful ecards, you may also want to check out these animated ecards. They are a few free ecards as well.

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