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Friday, June 5, 2009

More Flips

$2/1 A1 Steak Sauce 10 oz. (if your store allows stacking, use with the $2 A1 q from 5/10 for free to cheap A1 sauce)
$1/1 any Healthy Accents Vitamins
$1/1 any 12-pack Canada Dry
$1/1 bagged Tyson Frozen Breaded Chicken Product
Check here for PDF formats of the above current FLIPS
$1 off Fl Peanut Butter
$2 off 2 FL fig bars
$2 off 2 Planters
$2 off 2 am greet cards
Grillin Game (see your FL shopping companion) $3 off Kingsford or Match Light Charcoal. Stack with Peelies!
Guiding Stars game 2.00 off Food Lion Chicken Breast,Tenders or Snack Wings. This does not have to be the frozen chicken. There are packages of fresh chicken tenders that run about $2 per package so free to cheap chicken tenders.

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