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Thursday, June 4, 2009

More Frugal Ideas To Entertain Children

I just received my copy of Grocery Coupon USA newsletter. The newsletter had some great ideas to keep children entertained this summer:

1. Indoor Hide and Seek is always a great way to keep children busy on a rainy day. If you only have one child and want to entertain them with this classic game you can set your portable kitchen timer and hide it somewhere in the house. They will have a blast trying to find it before the timer goes off.

2. If your child loves playing in the sandbox why not bring the sandbox inside. You can create one for indoors by using a cardboard box, baby bathtub, or plastic storage bin and filling it with puffed wheat or rice cereal. Since this is an indoor sandbox you can let them use your kitchen utensils to play with as well.

3. Teach your child how to be a secret agent by writing secret messages. All you need is a white crayon or wax candle, white paper, Tempera paints, and a paintbrush. Have them write a message with the crayon on the paper. They can then paint over the paper to see the message appear.

4. Does your child love to watch birds? Try making a bird feeder out of peanut butter, bird seed, and a pine cone. Just tie a string to the top of a pine cone and knot it with enough string to hang it from a tree branch. Have your child cover the pine cone completely with the peanut butter and then roll it in the bird seed. Birds are sure to love the peanut butter bird seed treat.

5. Put a new twist on coloring by making a blindfold drawing. You will need a blindfold, crayons or markers, and paper. Blindfold your child and then have them draw on the paper. After they have finished see who can find the most hidden shapes or objects in the picture.

6. Put the leftover food coloring from Easter to use and color flowers. All you need is a carnation or bridal wreath and a glass vase. Color the water with the food coloring and see how long it takes for the flower to begin to turn the color of the water.

7. Set up a costume trunk for them to play with. Use a storage container and fill it with any old Halloween costumes, purses, shoes, hats, jackets, slippers, gloves, or anything else that is fun to play dress up with. If you do not have a lot of fun dress up items to add, keep an eye out at garage sales for items to add.

8. Make a homemade slip and slide by using trash bags and dish detergent. This works best if you have a slope in your yard. Cut the trash bags and secure the trash bags together with masking tape. Put some of the detergent on the bags and spray with water. Your little ones will have a blast running and sliding on the bags, who knows you might even want to join in.

9. Make a waterscape out of a clear plastic bottle. Fill the bottle with a clear vegetable oil and blue food coloring. Add things to the bottle that would be in the ocean, such as shells and little fake fish. You can even add glitter to give it something extra. Just be sure to glue the lid on once complete to avoid any accidents.

10. Have a scavenger hunt. Make a list of items for your kids to run around and find. You can do this indoors or outdoors.

These are just a few of many, many things you can keep your children busy with during the summer. Remember to plan things inside for rainy days and everyone will be happier.

Credit: Grocery Coupon USA newsletter

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