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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Forgive Me!!

I posted about a HOT Ragu printable on Monday and how I had printed 14. In my excitement over the fact that I was able to get more than 2, I simply did not think about the fact that it would cause others to miss out on a great coupon.
I would like to apologize for letting my excitement get the better of me and cloud my judgement. I did not even intend to use all of them, I was simply trying to see how many would print.
My blog is about sharing deals and helping others save time and money. By printing in excess, I have prevented others from taking advantage of a great deal.
I would love for those that missed out to contact me at clippergirl56 @ gmail.com to let me know that you missed out and how many you would like.

1 comment:

Charlene Canfield said...

Dear Barbara,
I don't see a need to apologize as I am aware that you give classes and in these classes you give out coupons for people to get the idea of how they can save money. For this I am thankful, I would never have started couponing had it not been for you. So... Thank You.I think that your site is great and I look forward to seeing what you have posted everyday. (Ok, sometimes more than that)

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