Did you know that companies appreciate our contacting them and complimenting them on products that we have purchased? Many, in fact, will "reward" us by sending coupons. I discovered a great list of companies that will reward us in the archives of Hot Coupon World. I wanted to share some of my favorites and give you a link to the forum thread so that you can compliment your favorite companies!
Barber Foods - Email every 3-4 months for more; Sign up to receive coupons
Check out the rest of this extensive list here.
I have; also, added the link to my right sidebar under the caption Complain or Compliment! to help you in the future.
It's amazing how lucrative writing companies can be! I have a feature on my blog called 5 A Day where I post 5 companies for people to email Monday - Friday. It's amazing the coupons I've gotten!
:) Kristin
Kristin, Thanks for sharing. I am sure that other readers are glad to know that it is worth the time and effort to contact companies.
I have tried emailing company's and it works!! I started out thinking well just see how this works and now I just about always get a email back thanking me and telling me they are mailing me something! Coupons!!!! Usually there are 3-4.
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