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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

CVS Halloween Candy Sale

Remember the $2 off candy printable I posted about here?
Well, Reader, MommySusan1, gave me a heads up that CVS is having a Halloween Candy Sale next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, (25th - 27th). Use the coupons to get FREE candy!!
Thanks, Susan!


Anonymous said...

Awww more details would have been great but thanks for the heads up!

ben said...

MediaCurves.com conducted a study among g 202 viewers of a video about Halloween spending. Results found that over one third (31%) of responders spent less money celebrating Halloween this year in comparison to last year. The majority of viewers (86%) reported that they purchase candy as the “treat” they distribute to trick-or-treaters. Almost half of the respondents (48%) indicated that they purchase such treats at grocery stores.
More in depth results can be seen at:

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