Amy with Saving With Amy has a great matchup this week. She has even included a matchup with the Hasbro Toy Coupons on Coupons.com.
Mr. Potato Head Silly Suitcase $16.97
(makes it 11.97)
Playskool Dance Cam $49.96
(makes it 39.96)
Mr. Potato Head (Original) $6.97
Mr. Potato Head (Original) $6.97
(makes it 4.97)
Playskool Musical Sit N Spin $24.97
Playskool Musical Sit N Spin $24.97
(makes it 14.97)
Playskool Lulluby GloWorm $9.97
Playskool Lulluby GloWorm $9.97
(makes it 6.97)
Mr Potato Head Spud Buds $10.97
Mr Potato Head Spud Buds $10.97
(makes it 5.97)
Playskool Step Smart Walk N Ride $19.97
Playskool Step Smart Walk N Ride $19.97
(makes it 14.97)
Playskool Busy Ball Popper $19.97
(makes it 14.97)
And her 5 faves-
Ore Ida Easy Fries $.93
(makes them .43)
5 lb Ground Beef Roll $6.00(thats 1.20/lb!)
Del Monte Canned Veggies $.96
$1/5 9/20 RP
(makes them .76)
Hormel Compleats $1.98
$.75/1 7/12 SS, 8/16 SS
$2/1 Oct. All You(makes it FREE)
Sun Crystals Sweetener $2.97
$2/1 9/20 RP
(makes it .97)
(makes it 1.47)
This is a great article I'm going to link it up for Mom Start Saving this week. I'm working on posting it right now I just got distracted by twitter
your frenchfry printabe link is not "linked"
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