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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's A Sad Day For Target Shoppers!

There have been a few changes to Target's Printable Coupons and Target's Price Matching that you need to be aware of.
Target now has a new coupon printing system on thier site very much like brick coupons or Coupon.com, etc. You will have to download the printer and will only be allowed to print two of each coupon. Because of this, the Target coupon generators on HCW and AFC will no longer be allowed. I am assuming that they will be removed from the sites.
Target has now changed thier price matching policy to exclude online offers, coupon-required offers, timed event offers (doorbusters, early bird, etc), prices advertised as $$ off or % off (with no definitive price), bundled offers, or gift card offers.
Thier coupon policy is very clear on the following items:
Target accepts one manufacturer coupon and one Target coupon for the same item (unless prohibited).
Super Target coupons can be used in any Target store if the store carries the item.
Coupon amount may be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied.
No cash back will be given if the face value of a coupon is greater than the purchase value of the item.
Coupons from other retailers, or coupons for products not carried in at Target are not accepted
Credit: Stephanie at Couponing 101


Ashley said...

yes, they would not let me get the "Alphabet Pal" that you mentioned before because Toys R Us had it as a doorbuster :(

Clippergirl said...

Seems like Target is another store that has changed policy mid-stream to whatever benefits them! The day before the sale thier online policy did not exclude doorbusters. They quickly changed it though.

Clipper Meter


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