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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rite Aid: $0.99 Sunglasses, $5.59 Pur Faucet Filter, $0.99 Prevacid

I so excited that reader, Karen, has emailed me about several great deals that she took advantage of this week. Gather up your coupons and get ready to shop.  Karen, if you are reading and I have made mistakes, please leave a comment to correct my mistake(s)

Rite Aid Corporate Coupon Acceptance Policy

::Deal #1

Prevacid 42 count $25.99
 Use the $10 Rite Aid Video Value Coupon
Use the $10/1 Prevacid 24HR, exp. 5-8-10 (SS 04/11/10)
Use the $5/$25 coupon wrap around ad on 4/25 and 4/18 Rite Aid circular (expires 4/30)
Pay $0.99 plus tax.
In Addition: Use your Wellness + card and get an additional 10% or 20% off (you'll need to purchase a cheap filler to take care of the overage.)

Deal #2

Pur Faucet Mount System2, $27.99
Use your Wellness Card Discount (10 or 20%) $2.79 or $5.60
Use the $3/1 PUR or PUR Flavor Options System, exp. 4-30-10 (P&G 03/07/10)
Use the $5/$25 coupon (expires 4/30)
$14.39 - $17.19 OOP + tax
Submit for $10 SCR #78 (Limit 2)
Final Price
$4.39 - $7.19 plus tax.(depending on Wellness Discount)

Deal #3

Pur Faucet Filter, $16.99
Purchase a small filler if you get a 20% Wellness discount for overage
Use your Wellness Card (10 or 20%) $1.69 or $3.40
Use the $3/1 PUR or PUR Flavor Options System, exp. 4-30-10 (P&G 03/07/10)

OOP $10.59 - $12.30  + tax
Submit for $5 SCR #79 (Limit 2)
Final Price $5.59 - $7.30

If you have at least $8.01 worth of other items to purchase, be sure to add the $5/$25 coupon to maximize your savings!

Deal #4

Foster Grant or  Sunglasses, $17.99
-Instant $10 discount at register (sunglasses $17.99 or more)
- $5 Rite Aid Video Value Coupon
-OOP $2.99 + tax.
Submit for $2  SCR #7 (Limit 2)
Final Price $0.99!!

Since the limit is (2) on this SCR, you can use the $5/$25 coupon to get two pair for $1.98!!

(thanks to Rene at Budget Saving Mom for the sunglasses scenario)

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