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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kohl's Power Shopping Sale- July 8 -July 11

When I saw the title of Kohl's current sale, it reminded me of when I lived on Kodiak Island, Alaska.  Military wives got two opportunities per year to leave the island and head to Anchorage, Alaska to shop. . . .and shop we did!  There were several of us who went together.  We hit the first store to open - (Wal Mart) and shopped until the last store closed (Fred Meyer).  Once we had closed all the stores, we would go eat.  We called that Power Shopping.

I don't know if that is what Kohl's has in mind, but I do know that they are having a great sale starting today, July 8 through July 11.  For starters:

Here are just a few of the deals that you will see while shopping online:

It's never too soon to start looking for deals for that freshman going away to college.


60% off Selected Croft & Barrow, Arrow and SONOMA life+ style Polos and Casual Button Front Shirts

and to top it all off

So!  Rest up and get ready to Power Shop!

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