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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lowes Foods Savings: Week of July7

Your top Lowes Food deals are brought to you by Kim at Couponer 101.  She teaches you to save money with coupons.  You can find all of this week's deal in her full match up.

 Lowes Foods doubles coupons with a face value up to and including $0.99
There is a limit of 4 identical coupons per transaction and 20 coupons total per day
They accept 2 identical internet printed coupons per day
They accept competitor's coupons from booklets or fliers for an amount off the entire purchase
They do not accept competitor's coupons off of a specific product.

Land O Frost Deli Thin Sliced Meats, $2.99
$0.55/1 Land O'Frost Delishaved Product, exp. 9-30-10 (RP 06/27/10)
$1.89 ea. after coupon!

Freschetta Pizza $4.99
$3.99 ea. after coupon!

Tony’s Pizza $1.00
$1/2 Tony's Single Serve Product, exp. 7-31-10 (SS 04/25/10)
$0.50 ea. wyb 2 after coupon!

Almond Breeze milk $2.88
$1/1 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, exp. 8-31-10 (SS 05/23/10)
$1.78 ea. after coupon!

Kahiki Chicken $5.99
$1/1 Kahiki Product, exp. 8-20-10 (SS 05/16/10)
$4.99 ea. after coupon!

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