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Monday, July 26, 2010

WalMart Savings: Rollbacks Week of July 27

::Back To School Rollbacks

Composition Books, $0.25
(Previously $0.94)

Elmer's Washable Glue Stick Twin Pack, $0.25
(Previously $0.97)

Elmer's Washable School Glue (4 fl. oz.), $0.25
(Previously $0.74)

Crayola Crayons (24 ct.), $0.25
(Previously $1.14)

2-Pocket Paper Folder, $0.15
(Previously $0.92)

70-Sheet Notebook (Wide or College Ruled), $0.15
(Previously $0.92)

Dixon No. 2 Yellow Pencils (10 ct.), $0.50

Crayola Markers (Bold, Fine or Classic Tip 10 ct.), $1
(Previously $2.74)

Pencil Cap Erasers (40 ct.), $1

Pink Erasers (2 ct.), $1

Crayola Colored Pencils (12 ct.), $1
(Previously $1.88)

1" Economy Binder, $0.75
(Previously $0.92)

Bic Brite Liner Highlighters (5 ct.), $1.50
(Previously $2.24)

Bic Mechanical Pencils, $1.50
(Previously $2.84)

Texas Instruments 30XA Calculator, $8.44
(Previously $9.38)

::Household Rollbacks

Softsoap Hand Soap Pump, $0.98
(Previously $1.47)
$0.35/1 Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap, exp. 8-14-10 (SS 07/25/10)
$0.63 ea. after coupon!

Wet Ones Fresh Scent Wipes (40 ct.), $1.98
(Previously $2.22)

Lysol No Touch Hand Soap System, $6
(Previously $9.97)
$3/1 Lysol Healthy Touch Starter System, exp. 8-31-10 (SS 07/11/10)
$3 ea. after coupon!

::One Time Offers

Marvel or Lisa Frank Folders, $0.97

Marvel or Lisa Frank Notebooks, $2.50

Pencil Case, $1

2-Hole Pencil Sharpener, $1

Ziploc Sandwich Bags Twin Pack (2) 100 ct pks, $4.50

Ziploc Snack Bags Twin Pack (2) 100 ct. pks. $4.50

Ziploc Storage Quart or Gallon Twin pack, $4.50
(1)  25 ct. Qt pk.
(1) 20 ct. Gallon pk

Kleenex Facial Tissue 4 pk., $3.47

Puffs Facial Tissue 4 pk., $3.47

Lysol Wipes Bonus Pack (3) 35 ct pks for the price of (2)

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