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Thursday, June 18, 2009

I WON!!!!

I just had to boast!! Several months ago, I nominated my neighborhood for the Slow Churned Neighborhood Salute. I recieved notification yesterday that my neighborhood was one of the 1,000 selected.
Here is an excerpt from the letter:
We are delighted to announce your Edy’s Slow Churned Neighborhood Salute contest entry has been selected as a grand-prize winner! In just a few weeks you will receive a doorstep delivery of Edy’s Slow Churned Light ice cream and a Party in a Box with all the necessary supplies to host a summer block party for up to 100 friends and neighbors.
I can't wait to let my neighbors know.!!
I'll be sure to share pics from the party with you!


andrea v said...

wow that's great, i also entered but wasn't so lucky.

Sharon said...

Congrats Barbara!! That's AWESOME!! Save some sprinkles for me! :-)

Chrystal said...

Aww man, congrats! That sounds awesome =)

Charlene Canfield said...

Oh Barbara That is AWESOME!
Congratulations. It is really nice to know that tbey really do give these things away. Now I know someone who won. Yea for you!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS Big Time-I would like to know your story you submitted-would b willing to share it?

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